Sauce for ayam setan panggang

This is a recipe for a simple satay sauce based on kecap manis. You simply fry some shallot, garlic and rawit chili pepper in hot oil until fragrant.

Then you grind the shallot, garlic and pepper to a paste and mix it with kecap manis, some petis udang and salt.

The sauce is great for fried chicken but can also be used for satay. It is also popular as a sauce for fried tofu as a simple vegan dish. Add lontong rice, some bean sprouts (boil for 30 seconds), pickled cucumber and fried shallot for a complete meal.

Recipe for ayam setan panggang

Make a spice mix from 10 rawit, 5 lombok, 1 tea spoon white pepper, 1 tablespoon tamarinde juice, 1 tablespoon gula jawa (=sugar), 5 garlic and 1 tomato.

I ended up using more rawit and lombok than shown in the photo. You can use a kitchen blender. Fry the spice mixture in hot oil for 3 minutes. For the whole proces I used a wok on my Thai wood stove. I used the hot coal to fry the chicken.

Add chicken pieces and fry for another 3 minutes.

Now you will add about 300 ml water, a piece of ginger and lemon grass. Reduce until the water has evaporated. Add another 300 ml of water and reduce again.

Now the chicken is ready to be grilled.